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Search Box! It all begins with typing your search in the box. Keyword research plays vital and valuable role in search marketing. Right keywords ranking can pull target audience to your page, enhance the impressions and clicks, it can make or break your website. By researching your market’s keyword demand and psychology you can learn which terms and phrases to target with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM). Important is not getting visitors on the websitebut getting the right kind of visitors – through which you can count returns on every penny spend. The worthiness of this intelligence cannot be overstated. With keyword research you can predict shifts in demand, respond to changing market conditions, and produce the products, services, and content that web searchers are actively seeking. In order to communicate and convey your message, you need to understand your consumers. It’s something that the marketers have been doing since ages. There was a time when marketers use to do fieldwork, surveys; they use to interact with the TG to understand their buying behaviour, to understand what influences them. With the growing fever of Internet, we live in a myth “Information is just a click-away”. For a basic reason being – to create a strategy and a communication that will appeal to your target audience. Their campaign planning was beyond computer screens. Here are the THREE BIG MISTAKES OF DIGITAL MARKETERS THEY IGNORE THE IMPROTANCE OF UNDERSTANDING CONSUMER PSYCHOLOGY Why people buy things? What is it they often search on website? What kind of phrases they type in search bar? What kind of products do they look for? What kind of lingo they use? Where is the search coming from – Geographic Reach? What is their socio-economic status? Is my target audience Men or Women? What age group do they belong to? The list is endless. “Keyword Planning without database is like firing a machine gun, blindfolded” – Aditti Joshi Behind every purchase made, a number of factors play their roles. First-things-first, our biological needs like food, water. These cannot be ignored or overlooked. Followed by the social factors – to be in touch with society, in-trend. Then comes the cultural factor that influences the buying decision. Your selection of words, your medium of communication, your vocabulary changes, depending on the lot you are addressing or communicating with. “You cannot talk in a Meow language With a dog who understands bow- wow” – Aditti Joshi Spend a great deal of time learning more about what ticks your shoppers.   THEY TEND TO OVERLOOK PRODUCT USP Knowledge is power, more product knowledge can lead to more sales, with no doubts other factors too play its role. You cannot talk vaguely; you need to be precise and accurate. You need to define, describe and distinguish your product from the crowd. “Don’t just talk. Talk Right. Talk what your customers desire to hear.” -Aditti Joshi It gets difficult to effectively sell to a customer if you cannot show how a particular product will address their needs. It can allow you to use different techniques and methods of presenting the product to your customers.   THEY DIRECTLY START WITH KEYWORD PLANNER TOOL While planning keywords, opening keyword planner tool is the last thing to be done. Unfortunately, reality is completely reverse. Most of the marketers start their keyword research with Keyword Planner Tool. Resultantly, they restrict their intelligence, their thinking potential and their strategy to their laptop or desktop screens. Consumers are out, in the real world. Talk to them, put your leg in their shoes, think from their perspective, what words will they feed in the search bar while searching for my brand. Ask yourself questions, to get the answers. An ideal digital marketing plan comes from the top of your neck, and not the keyword planner tool. Change your methods to experience the difference. If you find the information worthy, please leave your comment.
- 20th JULY 2020
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